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“As a practicing safety professional in the insurance industry, I would just like to take a moment to extend a sincere thank you for your timely and entirely practical safety article in this month’s Professional Safety Magazine. After years of theoretical researcher articles that spin your head around needlessly, I can appreciate a voice with actual practical applications for integrating safety into operations.

Developing safety harmony can now be a more straightforward and less burdensome experience for all concerned. In fact, I am using your visuals from the article right now to engage a leadership team implementing safety best practices!” I hope to hear more from you and your team going forward. Thank you.”

Mark B.

Safety Consultant, Insurance Industry

Pete establishes a forum in which operations leaders can draw their own conclusions around safety. Instead of telling them what to think, he creates a space where they discover their own beliefs and attitudes about safety, and how their decision-making can influence risk and safety outcomes.

Director, Health, Safety & Environmental Affairs

I completed EH&S Leadership training with Pete Susca last Friday and wanted to let you know that it was probably the best EH&S training I’ve had in 20 years here and 9 years in the paper industry.  Pete is very strong on practicalities and process.  His experience really came through and made the class understand he had been in many challenging real-life situations.  Best of all he brought a focus on leadership and our responsibilities to our employees.  This almost could have been advertised as a leadership class with EH&S examples. He is a great choice for this training. I hope others enjoyed it as much as I did.

Aerospace Executive

Thank you for the superb presentation you provided for 40 people on Tuesday. You were able to explain and provide valuable insights and tools for the safety professional’s tool box. Everyone I spoke with indicated it was time very well spent. It is knowledgeable people like you that can impart information in an understandable way that make the Breakfast Roundtable the success it is.

Training Manager


Your passion for the right things related to safety has always stood out to me. That passion is not wasted on most of those you engage. At least those are in it for the real purpose – sending everyone home safe.

William Smith
Safety Director (Retired)
Major US Steel Corporation

You are a very intelligent safety professional. Your program is great and I have great hope that we can make it work. Your passion for safety is admirable and I hope you continue to always have that passion that is needed in the safety profession.

United Steelworkers Union
Safety Professional

We truly appreciated your insight and help in “lighting the safety fire” with this leadership group.  I’ve personally heard a lot of stories about leaders feeling empowered after your session to bring forward safety concerns.  It’s refreshing, and an exciting time for RGIS!  Thank you again for your partnership.

Kristen Cooper, CSP
Director – Health & Safety

Peter Susca inspires through charisma and mentors by reminding us all that basic concepts are at the bedrock of every great organization. Peter urges us all to maintain a narrow focus on the problem while widening our aperture to look for proactive and achievable organizational solutions. There are very few individuals that I can say have truly changed my vector as a safety professional. Peter is one of those rare persons that come along and challenges you to reevaluate the way you perceive your environment. An astute professional with a mindset focused on maximizing your organization’s potential while focusing on reducing risk, Peter fundamentally defines what it is to be a true professional.

Stemming from one of Peter’s visits to speak with our senior leaders, our organization implemented a proactive risk management system. The added perspective, awareness and go-getting attitude that was delivered during Peter’s presentation was well received by the supervisors and the other operational leaders during the successful deployment of our newly developed process. Peter’s vision and methodology for reducing occupational risks has been proven to be successful in our organization as well as many others. His presentation was highly motivating, visually stimulating, and I am very excited to see where it takes us as a leadership team and overall as an organization.

As a safety professional that has set the goal of benchmarking a highly efficient and proactive safety system to be used on a Corporate platform, I am very confident that with Pete’s added perspective these goals will eventually come to fruition. Thanks again Peter!

HSE Manager
Aerospace Manufacturing

We are currently working heavily on the OpX Safety Fatality Serious / Injury Reduction Program with Pete Susca at our Shelby, Ohio USA plant and have seen some great results. Listed below are some of the benefits we are seeing from the work Pete has done for us:

  1. Improved union/management relations
  2. Helped us know what our employees feel about us though climate survey
  3. Our front line supervisors are better trained (by Pete) to handle safety related issues
  4. We now have a joint union/management training program dealing with employee behaviors
  5. We are aggressively eliminating unsafe conditions and acts that can cause serious injury
  6. Shelby’s last Lost Time Injury was more than one year ago

At the end of the month we are moving this program to our Czech Republic plant in Ostrava as we recently had a serious injury and several serious near miss situations.

Mike Dwyer
Director Health, Safety & Security
ArcelorMittal Tubular Products


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